First, edit your /usr/src/linux/Makefile and change:

Optional step:
ADD a new image section to lilo so you can boot the old kernel if needed:
Edit /etc/lilo.conf and add a section just like the one label=linux:

image = /boot/vmlinuz.old        <== change this part
   label = oldlinux              <== changes this part
   root = /dev/sda1              <== leave this part like other image

If you need to boot the old kernel, at boot time after LILO prompt, press
tab and type "oldlinux"
End of optional step.

To build a new kernel, as root, type:

cd /usr/src/linux

make menu
make menuconfig            ; easier
make xconfig               ; for using under X

Configure the options.  Because you are booting from SCSI disks, MAKE SURE
the SCSI low level drivers and SCSI disks options are part of the kernel and
NOT modules (also set the SMP options).

Then type:

make dep
make bzlilo
make modules
make modules_install

Then reboot.

You will still get unresolved symbols on some modules.  To stop this, remove
all .o files in all subdirectories under /usr/lib/2.2.14-15mdk before you
make modules_install. (They will be put back by the make modules_install

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian Schroeder
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 2:08 AM
Subject: [expert] Installing SMP Kernel

I probably qualify as a newbie here.  I have installed Mandrake 7.02
onto a dual pentium 166.  To my surprise the install process chose to
install the non-smp version of the kernel - without giving me an option

I have tried installing the smp kernel rpm (I did an rpm -ivh, changed
the file links in /boot and ran lilo), but when I try to boot, it
complains that the modules were built for a different kernel (ie. the
non-smp version).

So I tried to build a custom kernel.  This is my first time doing this,
and I followed the instructions as closely as possible.  Although I
didn't notice any particular problems with the compile, when I eventually
got to the reboot it failed to boot with complaints about problems with
various modules (particularly the SCSI driver modules - since all disks
are SCSI).  I have since restored the original kernel and have it running
again, but I think the errors were along the lines of unresolved symbols,
or other linker/loader type errors.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to what I have done wrong, and what I
should do?

(As an interesting corollary:  When I installed onto a single-CPU PIII,
it was the smp kernel that was installed!)

        Brian Schroeder              |
 ,-_|\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |
/     \  Origin Energy Resources Ltd |        Anyone can hate,
\_,-*_/  Adelaide Australia          |      but it costs to love.
     v   GPO Box 2576 Adelaide 5001  |
        PH +61 8 8217 5782           |

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