Stephen Boulet wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > I have 3 large issues with Mandrake 7.1 I need help with...
> >
> > First, how do I enable XF86 4?  I selected to install it (yes, with
> > expert installation) when it asked, but it seems that I'm running 3.3.6
> > (at least, rpm -q XFree86 reports so).  I need XF86 4 for my NVidia
> > drivers.
> ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 /etc/X11/X

Ah.  I see.  OK.  Thanks.

> > Second, how do I configure PPP? I do NOT use KDE, and never will, so
> > please don't tell me what everyone else has: use KPPP.  The Gnome-PPP
> > that shipped with Mandrake 7.1 doesn't work (pppd dies), and the PPP
> > configuration option in Linuxconf is gone.  I had to manually edit some
> > files, which isn't something I would expect of a distro known for
> > simplicity.
> Give ezppp a try.

I actually prefer just setting up networking the old-fashioned way... by
creating a ppp network device.  I have one created, and I did hand-edit the
files to make the changes I needed to.  I'm just surprised Mandrake shipped
Linuxconf without the ability to edit these.

> > Finally, this is more of a warning, the version of the emu10k1 driver
> > that shipped with Mandrake 7.1 had a very serious bug in it that causes
> > an NMI Error to be generated about twice a second on certain
> > hardware-configurations, and logged by syslog.  How something like that
> > gets past quality control, I don't know... anyways, you very well may
> > want to post a patch for Mandrake 7.1 right away (for Mandrake Update or
> > what not).
> Try a more up-to-date driver. (Sorry, no URL).

I am.  Latest CVS.  I'm was jsut saying maybe there should be an update for
Mandrake Update so that people who don't realize it's happening (they might
be new to Linux and just think the incredable slowness of the machine is
Linux's fault).

> -- Stephen

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