"Jim P." wrote:
> I don't have the optimisations enabled....I have tried everything to get it
> going...it's been frusterating to the nth degree....I have a standard
> floppy...like I said it works fine in 7.0 after doing the fix (cd /dev && rm
> cdrom && ln -s scd0 cdrom) no problems at all....but install 7.1 and it
> refuses to work...removes the drive from bios locks on and I can't even
> eject the darn thing until I power completely down.....I dunno guy....it's
> about to drive me nuts...LOL
> Jim

About to drive _you_ nuts?  I was away from the list for a
while...  but I do have the phenomenon in mind.

I think the drive to make me nuts would be the shorter ride<BG> 
The hardware I have is very similar to yours.

PLease let me see the output of


cat /proc/pci


cat /etc/fstab (AFTER you try installing 7.1 again)

And I am very curious also why /dev/scd0 would work.  CDRWs are
normally assigned /dev/sr0, /dev/sr1....  Could THAT 
be it?  Is your CDRW acting like ONLY a CD-R?  You did a manual
/dev/scd0 in 7.0 but the 7.1 install would have done a symbolic
link to /dev/sr0

They should both be block-major-11 but if the W portion isn't
working....  I have no idea what that effect would be.


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