Submitted 20-Aug-00 by Vic:
> that is why I am waiting before I download 7.1 to sit back and see how
> many opinions I can collect before making the decision to install, I
> am comfortable with my 7.0-2 it works good enough for me

There really is no particular reason to switch unless youi need some of
the hardware support that was added in 7.1.  In the meantime, 7.2 is
going into beta soon, and there are some significant changes in store
for many people as we move some things around for compliance with the
new FHS.

Those of you who upgrade with packages from cooker and/or contribs may
have seen some of this as the docs and info/man pages have moved.  It
will be important to upgrade your man and info packages (they may also
make them available in the updates directory after 7.2 final) in order
to have compatibility between your 7.0x system and new packages.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
There is nothing wrong with writing ... as long as it is done in private and
you wash your hands afterward.

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