well i'm no expert but since no-one else is saying this, i would guess
that using pm could mess up your system in that if hdb11 is your
boot/root partition then moving it could result in it aquiring a new
number i.e. hdb12 and as far as i know lilo uses the partition info in
lilo.conf, maybe set up a couple of extra entries in lilo for boot
partitions that currently don't exist? and then use one of these to boot
linux after messing with partitions? if you have a seperate /boot
partition but hdb11 is currently / then i'm not sure what happens, as an
aside you already appear to have 4 primary partitions, i'm not sure pm
will let you create another one

i think cat /dev/hd? /dev/hd?? is a way of copying the raw data from one
partition to another, so i guess that if you can create a new partition
that will hold all the data in hdb11 then you could copy all the data
across and then add the new partition to lilo while keeping your current
one in case

of course this is all newbie talk so i expect my fundament to be shot
down in flames!


Jeff Malka wrote:
> Not sure I understand.  I can move the partition effortlessly using
> Partition Magic.  I just needed to know if this would mess up the path
> structure or something else that linux uses.
> Is that what cat is about?
> Jeff Malka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Registered Linux user  183185
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rivera, Oscar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:33 PM
> Subject: RE: [expert] Moving partitions
> > you can use the cat command to move the partition.
> >
> > cat /dev/hd? > /dev/hd?
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