I got a Belkin OmniView SE 4-port (one at home, two at work)
and it works well ($225 CDN).  This model handles PS/2 and
serial mice since you CAN'T use adapters. It is ok to use
AT-PS/2 adapters for older PCs.

The main thing I found out is that for *real* use, you MUST
spend $80 on a hi-res SVGA cable for windows OS, otherwise
the quality is noticeably degraded (probably refresh rates).
With Linux, I found that the cheap $5 SVGA extensions seem
to work fine for X-windows.  My local cable store recently
got some $20 mini-adapters which are supposed to be as good
as the $80 cables for a 6-foot extension. I got one and it
does seem ok for windows.

One more gotcha is that the Belkin's require M-F SVGA
extenders, not M-M. Standard M-M PS/2 for mouse/keyboard.
For a 9-pin serial mouse, you need M-F extension.

This model can be daisy-chained with 3 more boxes to allow up
to 16 connected computers.

If you don't care about serial mice (some of us test old
hardware), then the Belkin 4-port OmniCube is enough.

Thanks... Dan.

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