What about driver version issues?  I'm assuming that WinME and Mandrake are using 
newer drivers than Win98 and Mandrake 7.1

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On 11/27/2000 at 12:35 PM Praedor Tempus scribbled:

>jarmo wrote:
>> Be Happy
>> I have Creative 128PCI and basically it have worked,as it's working
>> now in LM2....BUT without MIDI.
>> I remember i had difficulties with midi in LM7.0 also,but in LM7.1
>> everything worked ok.So something wrong with 7.2 must be
>> seen similar messages here earlier (about midi),not seen
>> any helpful answer.
>Not sure if it is in ANY way related to my sound woes...
>I previously posted about problems with my Creative AudioPCI producing
>cricket-static noises whenever my system would play a wav file, like
>during KDE startup and logout.  I tried moving my soundcard to a new PCI
>slot, I tried different speakers, I even tried a Soundblaster PCI 128.
>Nothing eliminated the cricket-like static noises.
>It turned out to not be exclusive to linux, however.  I had installed
>Windoze Millenium and found that when it played the opening or closing
>wav sounds, it too would cricket screech.  When I played games under
>linux or doze, I would also get some of the static over the game sounds.
>Then an odd thing.  Under linux, after reinstalling my original AudioPCI
>and plugging in my original speakers, the wav file during kde startup
>was still screwy but when I placed a music CD in my cdrom and played it,
>NO STATIC or sounds other than crystal-clear music(!?!).
>I ended up dumping Windoze ME (buggy and UNSTABLE AS SH*T!) and
>windoze 98.  It can play its wav files without the static noise and
>play without any of the static overlay.
>This boggles me.  If the problem were linux/mandrake, then I would not
>have expected the same problem under doze ME.  If it were RF
>then it SHOULD occur under doze and linux - it does this but ONLY if the
>windoze I am running is ME.  Win98 doesn't do it (thus far).  If it were
>the soundcard or speakers, then I would expect the problem to resolve
>either the installation of a DIFFERENT soundcard or upon connecting new
>speakers.  Neither occured.
>I did not have any problems under Mandrake 7.1.
>I do not recall if this all started after upgrading to 7.2 OR after my
>upgrade from a Celeron system to an Athlon system.  I don't THINK it
>coincides with the upgrade in cpu/architecture - I KNOW I had no
>under Windoze 98, neither playing games or just navigating around with
>annoying windoze wav files dinging and beeping.
>Can anyone put together a coherent, logical story to make sense of this?
>Mandrake 7.2 (and Windoze ME) both produced horrendous cricket-chirping
>through my AudioPCI card regardless of PCI slot placement.  The problem
>not exist under Mandrake 7.1 and didn't (and still doesn't) under
>98.  The static doesn't occur when playing music cds in the cdrom under
>7.2.  It appears to be restricted to midi/wav files.
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