Hello again,

Well, after the night I'm coming back with good new and many questions :

1. I was wrong - there _was_ actually something wrong in the parazmeters I tried 
in Harddrake, I retrieved them from my windows system config dump and I was able 
to hear the tests sound (2).
The problem was Harddrake stopped again with another message of this time 
'/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/olp3.o : init_module 'device or ressource busy'
So even if I had heard the sound I think Hardrake did nothing and I still had no 
sound after exiting.

2. I decided that I should look into modules.conf a bit closer and found 
_nothing_ about sound. No wonder it didn't work. So I just added :
alias snd sb
options snd + the parameter I had got through w.... 
Then sound works quite nice.

3. I still get in /var/log/messages echos of problems of type :
Modprobe : could'nt find module sound-slot-1
id w/ sound-service-1-0
I understood reading the ALSA HOWTO (I installed Alsa RPMS) that it must be 
something trying to access alsa drivers when noone is loaded and I am still 
using OSS sound driver.

4.Anyway something must have gone wrong with my 7.2 install... isn't it supposed 
d to install properly the sound drivers during install ?
As for using sound (OSS and Alsa) am I supposed to edit the modules-conf by hand 
or is there something else to do ?
Why does someting try to acces this unloaded alsa drivers if the install doesn't 
install them ?
What does the sound daemon do exactly ? it starts OK when booting and where are 
the parameters?

Thanks to anyone who may have answers to this (I suppose there must well be 
some in the Mandrake staff) ;)

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