On Thursday 08 November 2001 03:34 pm, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
> The conclusion I draw was that the initial poster was trolling a
> bit AGAINST Linux!

 Jee'monee' Jose!, usually you're a rock of sensibility around here
> He put forth the "informal poll" but after receiving an initial
> message about how well Linux worked for a specific user, the
> pollster told that user that they had merely been "lucky".

   so your off base reflection is allowed for IMO.  

   I've used Linux 99% since about Mandrake 6.0 (when was that? ;)
Before that about 50/50 with RedHat 5.x n' Windoze. I still dual boot 
a (less than kosher ;) version of W98 so I can fly my airplane, a 
Cessna 310.  Y'all remember Sky King and Penny?  " Out'a the clear 
blue western sky  ...... comes Sky King!! "   Well a while back I 
upgraded Song Bird to a newer 310r with GPS... Penny's no where to be 
found tho ;(

   Don't bother to mention FlightGear .. I check in every once'n a 
while ... it's still not ready for prime time
      Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
           chmod +x /bin/Laden.al-Qaeda.Taliban

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