Ben Nicolas wrote:
> You were right in assuming my basic topology consisted of 1 LM 8.0 server
> (acting as a gateway/router) with 2 nic's.  Besides that all I have is one
> client machine running Win2K.
> Now that you mention it you're also right about not needing to have port
> 139 open externally to use samba betw. my server and client.  Prior to
> this debacle I had never done any firewalling or used iptables/ipchains so
> my comment about needing 139 open earlier was due to lack of knowledge.
> Once I figure out what's preventing my client from accessing the internet
> and DBI from making to a connection to MySQL I will use iptables to secure
> up my network now that I understand how to create rules.  For now I'm
> primarily concerned with figuring out why my server won't forward requests
> made to servers outside my internal micro-lan.

I wish I could help you out with that Tiny crap stuff. I am just not
sure what it has left behind, in view of the fact that you have cleaned
it out from the usual directories. All I can say is dust off the old
'grep', and start a fine tooth search for any kind of "Tiny" or
"firewall" string in any file located in all of the usual directories.
BTW what does a "netstat -rn" output look like on your two machines? 

If you need some assistance with the gateway/router set up, you are
welcome to call on me. I have set up this kind of thing before with
Samba and name server running on a LAN with W2K. Do let me know what the
resolution is to the Tiny (big) headache....

J. Craig Woods

-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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