Hi guys,

I am just starting to look into starting a netmeeting server for our
companies tech guys to communicate...

netmeeting seems to be the go because the requisite OS's have clients

my problems are as follows..

1. total inexperiance in netmeeting and H323 :-)
2. Some of the workstations that will be client are NAT machines.. ie they
don't have public IP's.
3. one office is 5000km away from the rest.. so this is a good reason to use
netmeeting over the net in and of itself.

Now I'm researching this on google now.. and there are netmeeting howtoos
available, but I thought I'd ask here before I go looking into generic
solutions, as if there is an easy way on mandrake9.0 and I don't use it..
I'll kick myself later.

Can anyone help me out here??

basically I would like any of the netmeeting clients to log onto our central
netmeeting server and be able to see/chat/collaborate in an easy transparent

Is it possible?



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