ls isn't broken... at least as I read the man page. It should display
everthing in the directory as if it where a file and not expand
directorys ... if you cd to dir X it and do ls -d it returns ./   As for
coreutils.... this isn't in 9.0 or 8.2 .... Texstar has it .. but I
can't find it on my disks there ls comes from fileutils....  cooker may
also have it as well.  Behavior may have changed for it.


On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 20:56, Vox wrote:
> This time Mark Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> becomes daring and writes:
> > As you can see it's returning everything that is in the directory
> > instead of just the directory names present in that directory.
> >
> > Any ideas...comments...epiphanies?
>   All I can say is that a similar command works correctly for me,
>   returning only have no clue what your problem
>   can be.
>   For what it's worth, my ls version 4.5.3 from coreutils-4.5.3-2mdk
>   Vox

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