Michael Adams wrote:
I get it too. To remedy try
$ ls -X | grep /
$ ls -F | grep /

Running standard 8.2 install with "ls (fileutils) 4.1.5"

On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 20:32, Vox wrote:

This time James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

becomes daring and writes:

ls isn't broken... at least as I read the man page. It should display
everthing in the directory as if it where a file and not expand
directorys ... if you cd to dir X it and do ls -d it returns ./   As for
coreutils.... this isn't in 9.0 or 8.2 .... Texstar has it .. but I
can't find it on my disks there ls comes from fileutils....  cooker may
also have it as well.  Behavior may have changed for it.
 Ok, just tried it on a pure 9.0 box (I forgot this wasn't cooker@ :)
 and I get normal results...that is, directories only.

[vox@rebeca vox]$ rpm -qf /bin/ls
[vox@rebeca vox]$ ls -d ../*
../rebeca/  ../test/  ../vox/
[vox@rebeca vox]$

 So, again, WFM, don't know what the problem can be...you may want to
 check out your aliases, in case something there is getting in the
 way...it's the only thing that comes to mind right now.


Very very nice! thanks. :)


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