
   A definitive answer would have to come from MDK on this.  So what I'm
saying here is based on what I've read, to include parts of the LSB. 
However this is one big long boring doc... LSB compliance does cause
some problems with a number of Desktop type applications and a number of
apps you and I never see but exist inside a lot of organizations. 
Mainly because some things have moved etc.  Also some applications in
user land just flat refuse to become LSB compliant.. QMail I believe is
one of those.  

   Finally a number of changes have to be made to move these distro's
into compliance.. I really don't blame MDK for making their biggest
money maker the first one that is compliant.  As for the d/l version
being compliant.  It might be ... it might not.. It cost money if I'm
right to get these "certified" and as such... ProSuite went first.  (If
nothing else the time, machines, and people cost money.)  

  As to why it's an option... See the comment above about the
possibility of breaking something... It can and for now does. This will
improve but for the moment true... 

  As for the rest... Well anywhere I'm wrong Todd or one of the others
can correct me.  But this is what I understand to be correct.


On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 13:59, Miark wrote:
> James,
> Speaking of which, what exactly is the deal with LSB comlpiance? The LSB website says
> that the ProSuite specifically is compliant. Does that mean the d/l version is not?
> Also I seem to remember LSB being a package category during the installation of 9.
> Do I remember correctly? If so, why is it an option and not automatic?
> Miark
> On 29 Dec 2002 17:11:58 -0800
> James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Not really and with the advent of the LSB the versions that are meeting
> > LSB compliance (RH and MDK are the leaders here) are less and less
> > different.  The diffence isn't the tree structure... but rather the
> > leaves. (pardon my pun) but executables are in bin libs are in lib etc
> > etc...
> > 
> > James
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