On Mon Feb 03, 2003 at 08:44:59PM -0800, Jack Coates wrote:

> > My point is that Win 98 does this.   Plainly, or fortuitously, it was an 
> > important
> > requirement and goal of installer implementation.  
> That may be the intention, but a reinstall of Windows over the same
> partition has never actually solved a problem for me -- and let me tell
> you, I've tried more than once :-)

Agreed.  The only way to rescue Windows from itself, in my experience,
is to make backups, format and reinstall on a clean partition. 
Installing Windows overtop of itself has always created more problems
than what it "fixed".

> Let's take a moment to re-evaluate the hardware decisions that we've all
> made... Anyone using hardware-protected-memory big iron for a desktop or
> laptop, raise your hand! Personally, I'm gonna trade in my Vaio for an
> AS/400 (or whatever it's call this week) because it just raises eyebrows
> when you roll that big black box into a meeting :-) Seriously, the old

hehehe... no doubt!  I think I need one of those as well.. just not
sure how I'd fit it in the cat... =)

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