On Sat Feb 08, 2003 at 12:10:59AM -0500, Mark Weaver wrote:

> > Well, that's just a load of crap and you know it.  I think I use my
> > workstation just as hard as any Win98 user does... and it's rock solid
> > for me.  Don't use the product in any user-workhorse mode?  Yeah...
> > right.
> >
> > Anyways, this is something you should bring up on cooker... I doubt it
> > can be accomplished for 9.1, but if no one asks for it, we dont't think
> > about it or know it's important to people.  Can't be *that* important
> > as this is the first I've heard of it in 3 years.  Remember, we are not
> > Windows.  Ok, we may be missing some of the good features of Windows in
> > some instances, but we're also missing a lot of the bad ones. 
> Vincent,
> Um...what good features would those be? you mean not having to reboot 

Well, I dual-boot one machine for the express purpose of playing EverQuest
when time allows (maybe once or twice a week).  So Win2k is good for that.
I figure if I don't install anything else, I might be able to get away
without doing a reinstall for a year... =)

> everytime one of the eh-hem...programs leaks so bad it stuffs the entire 
> system, or explorer craps out and takes down the entire system. pa-Lease! 
> I've been throwing everything thing I can think of and some things I've 
> thought of myself that I'm rather proud of and I've only been able to totally 
> freeze my Mandrake desktop bad enough that I had to do a hardboot all of two 
> times. I've been running Mandrake since 7.0. ( now running Mandrake 9.0 ) 
> strongest, most well thought out and best put together OS I"ve ever seen, and 
> I've seen a few.

Agreed.  It's pretty solid.  I did manage to hang my cooker box once or
twice, but hey, it's cooker.  I expect this sort of stuff occassionally.

> In my experience you've got to try pretty damn hard to break Mandrake linux. 
> For getting work done there's just no comparison between windows and Linux. 
> the two of them don't even belong in the same breath let alone in the same 
> ball park. and I'm not bashing windows just for the sake of it. My 
> workstation at work dual boots win2K and Mandrake Linux. While I hacking out 
> code for something at work I'm running Mandrake. My boss runs win98...he has 
> to reboot sometimes 3-4 times...I just keep working. If I wouldn'tn have to 
> interact with the accounting system I wouldn't have to boot back into windows 
> at all.

Yup.  I would be Win-free, except for EverQuest.  I hear it's coming out for
the Mac soon, which would be great, except the Mac version won't be able to
interact with the Win version, meaning separate servers.  Meaning starting
all over again.  =(  I'll keep my 5GB Win2k partition specifically to play
it.  My Wintendo, as it were.

So there is *one* good thing about Windows, for me.  =)

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
"lynx -source http://linsec.ca/vdanen.asc | gpg --import"
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