Daniel Axtell wrote:
I want to install Linux on an older laptop (Pentium 133Mhz), I had already installed LM 7.2, but would like to have new versions of applications (like Mozilla). Does anyone have any suggestions as to what version of LM might give me good performance on a Pentium 133Mh, 80 megs ram, (specifically what kernel should I go with), but still makes it relatively easy to install a newer browser, possibly gnumeric and abiword, without have to recompile every library because none of the newer apps is compatible with the older libraries? Or should I just bite the bullet and do everything the hard way, compiling from source?

On my old laptop, a 333MHz Celeron, I had good experience with Mandrake 7.2 all the way through 8.1. I did upgrade the RAM, though, from 64MB to 192MB.

Truthfully, though, I saw better performance using RedHat 7.x and 8.0. Not sure why, but that's the way it is. In fact, I sold the laptop to a friend, who is still happily running RH 8.0 on it.

I also always saw better performance under Gnome vs. KDE.

As to Mozilla specifically, it is a known resource pig. True, it has improved immensely from the early betas and releases candidates, but it is still a monster for memory. I always had better performance using Galeon under Gnome, with either Mandrake or RedHat.

In spite of my above comments, I now use Mandrake 9.1, KDE and Mozilla, but on a much faster laptop :-)

Dave Sherman
I think animal testing is a terrible idea; they get all nervous and
give the wrong answers.

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