have a look in /dev/and see what you do have and try:
$grip --device=/dev/whatever


On Friday 04 Jul 2003 11:03 pm, Richard Bown wrote:
> Thanks Kevin
> It will run from a root console, and ripping and encoding is faster than
> arson or k3b
> if I try to start from a user console I get
> Unable to initialize [/dev/cdrom3]
> I hav'nt got a /dev/cdrom3, I have got a /mnt/cdrom3
> so how do I get into its config to change that to one of the valid
> cdroms, when it wont start ?
> Richard
> O
- "It could be a torture chamber or a dungeon or a hideous pit or anything!"
- "It's just a student's bedroom, sergeant."
- "You see?"
(Men at Arms)

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