On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 06:59, Lorne wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 July 2003 12:11 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > The Areoflows have bearingless fans which are some of the quietest in
> > the industry, and ultimately reliable because they are, well,
> > bearingless.
> If you are referring to the old bushing fans, there is no way they are more 
> "reliable". They simply do not last. A sealed bearing will last for years and 
> years. A bushing fan might last 3, but usually 18-24 months is all they can 
> handle.
> I'm currently running some sealed bearing fans that are actually much quieter 
> than the old "bearingless" fans by a factor of 3. 


   I think by bearingless they actually do mean sealed bearing.  It's
more a case of marketing taking a technical term and misusing it to the
point of extreme obfuscation of term (ie "Trusted Computing" by M$)
rather than what it actually does mean.  But you are right the "sealed
bearing" fans last seemingly  forever.  Don't know how long because the
rest of the box gets so far out of date I never use the comp that long.
(I've got one on a 233mhz pI that is 9 years old).


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