HaywireMac grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:59:18 +0200
> Benjamin Pflugmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Because in one case, they get free advertising (via their branding),
> > in the other case, they do not. Or in other words: they use the
> > freelancers using the branding domain name to attract people willing
> > to pay for using own domain names.
> I see, but my old domain from noip was nodex.sytes.net, which told
> no-one anything about NoIP...I fail to see the branding.

Sure there is.  Someone sees sytes.net and points there web browser there.  
Know what you get?  The no-ip.com login page. :-)

> However, they are free to do as they choose; but if Zoneedit does it for
> free, why would anyone choose NoIP?!

Because we appreciate the service they provide?

By extension:  Why would anyone pay for Mandrake, when you can download the 
entire distribution for free?  Or Red Hat?  Or SuSE?

I don't pay for *every* version of Mandrake that comes out, because I'm 
terminally broke. :-)  Once my finances straighten out, I plan to join the 
Club.  And even with a club membership, I'll still pay for the occasional 
release.  Why do all that when I can get it for free?  Because I appreciate 
the distribution that they provide, and I want to support them how and 
where I can.

Same goes for no-ip.com.  I appreciate the service they provide, so I 
support them with an annual renewal fee that's on top of my domain 
registration fee.

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO!
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                 for PGP Public key

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