On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, HaywireMac wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 01:39:22 -0400 (EDT)
> Bill Mullen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Edit the three variables to suit. The DN variable should be a hostname
> > that has an 'A' record in ZoneEdit's DNS. You'll need lynx installed
> > too, of course.

That should read, "The HN variable ..."; sorry for any confusion.

> > This will send an HTTP page request which will cause ZoneEdit's web
> > server to automatically determine your 'true' IP address (from the
> > data in the request itself), and then update ZoneEdit's DNS for the
> > specified hostname to point to that IP address.
> I tried using their reflector, problem is, you gotta login 2x, once to
> update the IP, once to use the reflector.
> http://checkip.dyndns.org doesn't require auth.

I don't understand what you're saying here. The script I posted, when run
*once* (with the correct username, password, and hostname defined therein)  
will update that hostname's DNS 'A' record with the external IP address of
the originating system. I fail to see anything here that needs to be done
twice to accomplish this updating. OTOH, the checkip page merely returns
your current IP address (and 'true' hostname, if that is available through
a reverse lookup), and updates nothing at ZoneEdit by itself.

Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
"An opinion is like a branding iron. It is one thing to hold it, and
another to press it into the skin of a friend." - James Lileks

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