On Tuesday 21 Oct 2003 9:09 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 12:56, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Monday 20 Oct 2003 10:54 pm, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> > > Jack Coates escribió:
> > > > There are virii that use Java, Javascript, Flash, you name
> > > > it, and then there's the evil code masquerading as something
> > > > innocuous. The issue here is architectural -- the OS bases
> > > > execution decisions on nothing more than the file name
> > > > suffix, then executes code with full privileges to do
> > > > whatever it wants. Mozilla on Windows is better than IE on
> > > > Windows, but it's still building castles in a swamp.
> > >
> > > Well, mozilla doesn't execute any attachment without asking
> > > first (you can disable the prompt, though, but it's there by
> > > default). And you can disable plugins (java and flash) and
> > > javascript for mail. And you can choose to see html mail either
> > > as simplified (safe) html or plain text (safer).
> >
> > That's what puzzles me.  She would never open an executable.  She
> > would never agree to running one.  Java and javascript are
> > disabled for mail.  She is set to read and write plain text. 
> > Still they have managed to do damage.  At first I thought is was
> > coincidence, but since the same files have to be replaced every
> > time it happens I no longer believe that.  I'm thankful that at
> > least she is not contributing to the spread of viruses, but I
> > can't understand how they are doing this damage.
> >
> > Anne
> Try disabling scripting in the section of directory function.  (I'm
> not sure but it's called something like Microsoft active scripting)
>  This is a system wide "function".
> James

James, scripting is turned off for mail in Mozilla.  Is there 
somewhere else you say that I must disable scripting?  She's on 
Win98, if we are talking os level.

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