Folks - especially postfix people - I need some help - 
my box seems to have been turned into an open relay. I am
running the same postfix configuration file I had installed 
when I was running 9.0 and later versions (currently I 
am running 9.2/cooker)..

I have not been able to post to the list or send out any
smtp email until I fix this.... and in the meantime have
simply flushed (deleted) the outgoing queue in /var/spool
/postfix via 

  # find . /var/spool/postfix -type -f | xargs exec rm

which (quickly) removes it. I removed many megabytes' worth
of stuck email this way earlier today only to find that at
9 pm there was 4 megs more waiting and my isp admin had sent
me a mail saying he disabled my smtp.

I was under the impression postfix was relay proof - any
advice will be helpful...


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