On Tuesday 11 Nov 2003 8:57 pm, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 15:38, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Tuesday 11 Nov 2003 7:12 pm, Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva wrote:
> > > Hi List!
> > >
> > > I'm looking for recommendations of hard/soft modem for Mandrake
> > > Linux 9.1.  A link would help a lot also.
> > >
> > > I had problems with Lucent and Pctel (softmodem).
> >
> > Pretty well any hardware modem - i.e. one that does all it's own
> > work. If you can live with an external one they are easy to find
> > and cheap. Any model will do.  Internal hardware modems are much
> > harder to find, though they do exist.
> A quick search for Linux modems on ebay turns up a few things
> ranging form 9-15 bucks that claim to be linux compatible. Isn't
> there a Liniux modem website? linmodems.?? something or other....?

You could always try http://mandrake.vmlinuz.ca/bin/view/Main/MoDems

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