On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 6:24 AM, John Porubek <jporu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So my question for Chris, or anyone else who feels like chiming in, is: What
> problems am I likely to encounter in getting Factor to run under NixOS?

You shouldn't have problems building from source. I just tested and it
builds fine. Problems happen when you run though since NixOS has a
non-standard file system layout. There is no '/usr/lib', etc. With
correct applications of LD_LIBRARY_PATH it'll run fine. The way to do
Factor development in NixOS would be to create an 'environment' like I
did in my Firefox post:


This would set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the correct locations depending on
the versions of Gtk, OpenGL, etc you are using for that particular
environment. A separate definition could be used for runtime Factor
apps to make sure they pick up the correct locations.

Let me know if you want examples or to create one for you to try. You
could use this on any Linux distribution by installing the Nix package
manager if you wanted to test without trying NixOS completely.


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