--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Beyond or other than this Purusha-Prakriti, as far as I can see at 
> this point, anyhow, there is nothing. I have found nothing "new" in 
> the 15 years or so since M.C. first revealed itself -- but going 
> back into the whole thing repeatedly over the years has revealed 
> much more refinement of detail and Self-Knowledge within this form.

Actually, there is more "beyond" the Hiranyagarbha -- as one expands 
further, the multitude of Hiranyagarbhas or Universe-Selves can be 
appreciated -- and between them is the Personal God (a/k/a Krishna) as 
the literal, physical reflection of one's own body -- paradoxically, 
the more "abstract" one goes, the more "concrete" and physical the 
manifestation becomes. So we could say this is the "real" Mahat-Atman 
or the "real" K.C. beyond the "real" B.C., and so on and so on. The 
themes don't really change, they just become more and more "absolute" 
and more and more "concrete."

So as we go up inside the reverse-time-flow of Purusha (the inner 
portion of the toroid-Hiranyagarbha), we are awakening the 
corresponding points in the outward, downward, "normal" space-time 
flow of Prakriti (the outer sphere of the toroid-Hiranyagarbha). These 
two "meet" at the center Ahamkara and its surrounding equator, when 
for the first time (in U.C.) the inner "I AM" golden Brahma-Self 
becomes aware of its utter intimacy and identity with the "equator" of 
itself in the outer world, via filaments of itself. At this time, the 
experience would be of mergence with one's causal body or golden-self, 
whereupon one would probably experience 360-degree vision amid the 
golden sphere of no-time, no-space, and perhaps the light-fibers of 
one's celestial body and so forth. For some time thereafter, while 
walking around in real-time, one may experience the golden nature of 
Heaven on Earth, be visited and identified in this body by and with 
various devas, gods, goddesses, and so on. (If and when all this 
disappears as we are gradually stripped naked for entry into B.C., the 
ensuing Dark Night of the Soul can be somewhat difficult for those who 
have no idea what is going on.)

Instead of or in addition to the inner-outer dichotomy of 
Hiranyagarbha, we may also see the Hiranyagarba as "split" around the 
equator, consisting of -- essentially -- a "parachute" above us, 
and/or a "coracle-boat" below us. This "parachute" vision may open 
upon the completion of the first conscious Kundalini-flows connecting 
and embracing our two poles, when we might interpret it as the fully 
opened thousand-petalled lotus. This parachute may look quite a bit 
like the umbrella over Guru Dev. (Plato apparently spoke of the "boat" 
half of Hiranyagarbha, and perhaps its upper half as well, if I 
remember rightly.) So all of these different experiences and 
understandings are basically different ways of experiencing and 
understanding one's Hiranyagarbha, or Universe-Self.

Looked at very broadly, from a cosmic perspective, we might say that 
C.C. recognizes the Self as enlivening the Body (base chakra's 
annamayakosha), G.C. recognizes the Self as enlivening the Biosphere 
(sex chakra's pranamayakosha), U.C. recognizes the Self as enlivening 
the World (navel chakra's manamayaosha), culminating in Self as the 
Solar System (solar plexus's ahamkara). B.C. moves to identify with 
the energies of our surrounding Constellation (apparently Sirius) 
(heart chakra's Buddhi), K.C. activates Self as our Galaxy (throat 
chakra's Mahat-Atman), and S.C. activates our Universe (brow chakra's 
Avyukta). M.C. then moves out of the Universal Hiranyagarbha to 
recognize Self as Krishna's Multiverse (crown chakra's Purusha). 

Again, all of this is in a very real sense, maya -- phenomena that 
come and go as we move around in one form of spacetime or other. The 
important thing IMO is to fully appreciate whatever is right in front 
of us; that is the easiest way to experience no-time, no-space as God 
(Self) showing His/Her aspect to us in the form we most need/desire to 
see right now. :-)

Love, Light, and Laughter,

Oh, that reminds me -- Love is the centripetal force of Satguna (Blue 
Vishnu/Indra), Light is the rotary force of Rajoguna (golden Brahma), 
and Laughter is the centripetal force of Tamoguna (Red Shiva/Rudra). 
>From the point of view of Purusha, evolution progresses inwardly ("up 
the spine") from Love to Light to Laughter; from Prakriti's point of 
view, it progresses outwardly ("down and around us") from Laughter 
(Shiva's big bang or cosmic dispersion from the white hole) to Light 
(Brahma's outward Golden-egg) to Love (Vishnu's loving collapse of the 
universe into the black hole).

The light-filaments of our inner  "I AM" (Brahma, Aditi, Christ, etc.) 
may with more familiarity be appreciated as our twelve color-rays 
(Adityas, Disciples, etc.), which form the 12 radii or spokes of the 
central Sun as its geometry of consciousness, viewable as a vector-
equilibrium matrix. This ball-and-rods might sometimes be glimpsable 
with meditation on the distinction between intellect and 
transcendence, if I remember rightly. In Mastery, growing familiarity 
with the Brahmic solar time-space generates an identification of 
Self's new chakras with the twelve planets, as well as --eventually-- 
a very rich Solar Calendar-cycle of divine liturgy, but that's another 

(We could also play with various combinations of the three Gunas to 
generate the 27 Nakshatras of the Lunar Calendar-cycle, but that's 
also another story.)


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