
> Agreed ! Where is the freedom for millions of americans the  
> president so loudly and forcefully wants to export to other 
> countries ?

Hopefully, the freedom is still located in the Ballot Box, that is, 
if the bastards haven't corrupted the way the votes are cast, yet.

The Republicans are so easy to see through, if you have a brain...
The stand for lies, manipulation, greed, lust and murder.
They have no compassion, and they are not conservative.
Hopefully, since they have ignored the Black People, they have 
insured- a Democratic Victory, if we make it through the last days, 
of Bush Presidency...

As far as comparing abortion, to the bombing of innocents:
Let's put it this way...
Would you rather be a fetus in the womb, of a couple or woman who 
does not want to carry you to term, who chooses to end that 
pregnancy, aborted(so, you as a soul, can manifest in another womb at 
a better time?),
Or, would you rather have your countries infrastructure, completely 
destroyed, by an outside power, and then occupy your country, and 
then hire professional killers to roam your streets, in the night, 
with machine guns at the ready, with high altitude jets flying above, 
bombing, bombing, and more bombing, with no end in sight, and no 
place to go? Watching your poor country completley destroyed, 
experiencing unimaginable horrors?
Would you rather live in a place, where an outside force, has decided 
your repressive government has to go, so they invade your country, 
and unleash ancient tribal forces, that turn the country into a blood-
bath of civil way.

Would you rather live in a nation(USA), where the more greedy you 
are, the more ruthless, the more cold and calculating- the more you 
break the back of others, the ones you consider, 'inferior'..
What kind of a nation to you want to be a part of?
A country with 'God', on the money, inferring that God is Money, and 
Money is God.
Or, would you rather live in a nation based on the spiritual 
principles of God, rather than praying and idolizing the many false 
gods that lust, greed and murder produce?
A nation who prays to false idols is on shaky ground.
Shake, shake, shake...
Shake your booty, shake that booty...

r.g.  madison.

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