--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> **Here is one excerpt from my gurus writtings:
> As Ramana melted within Arunachala
> obedient and surrendered and never did
> he leave his Guru's side. He came amidst all
> obstacles and Surrendered to it's wisdom
> as Shiva. He stayed once home without ever
> a thought of leaving.


As sweet as you seem to be, and as inspired as
you obviously are by your new path, this is all 
starting to get really repetitive and tiresome 
and well, somebody's got to say so.

You seem to get a bit compulsive with your post-
ing whenever anyone around here suggests that
one doesn't "need" a "guru". You launch into post
after post after post after post telling us what
"my guru" and Ramana and any other authority 
figure you can think of says about such things.

Give it a rest already.

The person who "needs" a guru is YOU, dude. You
can't say two sentences without invoking the holy
words "My guru says..." in front of some sentence. 
And frankly, if you are the *product* of "finding 
a guru," I want nothing to do with it.

I kinda prefer having my *own* thoughts, and 
being able to answer someone's questions with my
*own* words, and making my *own* decisions about
my life and my path through it.

"Your guru" has, as far as I can tell, turned you
into a Class-A wuss who is now terrified to think
for himself. You really *can't* do anything but
repeat her words ad nauseum to other people, seem-
ingly hoping to convince them to join you on the
Path Of Being Unable To Think For Oneself.

I honestly don't think you're going to find very 
many "takers" for this sales spiel here. All we
have to do to measure its worth is watch how
distraught and defensive you get whenever anyone
suggests that someone may have realized their
enlightenment *without* a guru, or that someone
is even doing well without a guru. Dude, to be
honest, that says more about *your* needs than
it does any universal "need" for a guru.

You've been sold a bill of goods. You've been
told that you "need" someone's guidance to find
who you really are, and who you always already
have been all your life.

You post here about how Maharishi couldn't poss-
ibly be enlightened because he feels "restricted"
if he's not safely inside a S-V building. Well,
dude, it really seems to me that you feel awfully
restricted unless you're safely inside the aura
of some guru telling you what to do and what to
think at all times.

If that gets you off, more power to you and I 
wish you well on your Way. But I don't think it's
going to lead you where you think it will. I've
watched your language over the last few months 
become *more and more* dependent on your guru, 
and *less and less* able to express anything that
sounds like someone I'd like to get to know. Much
less buy anything from. 

So don't *sell* so hard, man. In the world of
spiritual teaching, the "brochure" one uses to
sell with is *oneself* -- how one thinks and acts
and speaks. Your "brochure" consistently shows
someone who has almost entirely lost the ability
to think for himself, and who has been reduced
to prefacing almost everything he says with, "My
guru says..." While I understand that you may see
this as a positive thing, I'm not sure that you
understand that others here may not see it that

Whatever. Continue doing your thing, and being
a missionary for your guru, if that gets you off.
But y'know...if after a few more months or years
of this you find that the savages you're preaching 
to haven't been flocking to buy what you're selling,
you might give some thought to reworking the sales

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