Lust is omnipresent. As long as you've got a body, it's gonna happen,
unless you're tired or past it or hopelessly repressed.  

--- In, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Why would an enlightened person become overshadowed by sexual lust? 
> In Cosmic Consciousness, the Being supposedly would not be 
> overshadowed by the influences that normally set off 
> sexual 'triggers' in an ignorant person. These would be sexual 
> triggers such as increased heart rate and sex hormones that flood the 
> blood stream from perceptions given off from the opposite sex, i.e., 
> hair, butt, tits, eyes, legs, crotch, groin, etc.
> In God Consciousness, in which the finest level of creation is 
> appreciated, even the celestial gods that are responsible for 
> exciting partners, i.e., Cupid would not overshadow the Being.
> In Unity Consciousness, all sexual influences would be perceived as 
> That. All sexual implications regarding the bodily functions and the 
> mental pictures which trigger these desires would be seen on the 
> level of Pure Consciousness. The mental pictures associated with 
> sexual desires would be appreciated as experiences from this life as 
> well as stemming from past lives in which we were men and women 
> engaged in countless sexual affairs. For the enlightened, this 
> influence would not affect them no matter how subtle, like eating, 
> sleeping, etc.  That's how I understand it.

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