--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of mainstream20016
> Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 11:59 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my apology to
> chris
> Regarding the reassurance that SatYug is nigh at hand, through the
> inevitability and 
> necessity of India's role to bring all good to all of us - Great ! Wonderful
> ! I look forward to 
> cathcing the rays of a global bath of beneficent light. Yet, as a
> practicality, it would be a 
> good thing, and wise, to have a direct hand in raising one's consciousness.
> So I advocate 
> for wide-spread individual TM practice in the West, yet that cannot happen
> if TMO remains 
> an overtly religious organization. TM has, and can again, be taught honestly
> and 
> effectively as a secular technique. As the last thirty-two years has shown,
> unless TM is 
> taught as a secular technique, it's impact will be nill, notwithstanding the
> coming glories 
> of SatYug.
> Seems to me Pandora's box has been opened. Even if the TMO were to try to
> scale back and present TM as a secular technique, critics would be able to
> present all sorts of evidence that for decades, it has been associated with
> Hindu and various wacky things. The TMO would be accused of trying to hide
> all that for marketing purposes.

Since it is unlikely that the TMO will return to its roots,  I'm advocating 
that a totally 
separate organization re-establish the secular teaching of the TM technique. 
For the next 
decade or so, the opportunity to quickly establish a new separate secular TM 
formed from the legion of un-recertifide teachers currently out-of-the-mix of 
the current 
TMO, and of retirement age, can quickly and broadly re-establish the secular 
teaching of 
the TM technique. Establishment of the new secular organization need not 
diminish the 
current TMO, which can continue along its path of providing products and 
services for the 
extremely discerning among us who have the desire for exclusivity and means of 
for it. Perhaps a licensing agreement between the current TMO and the future 
organization can smooth things over.  I see tons of goodwill flowing to the new 
secularized organization, and media support for the return to roots, for the 
greater good 
of the common man, etc., etc.   It can be done, and done well.

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