--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 14, 2007, at 6:06 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:
> > Yes, I totally agree.  Hitler was used by those who still want 
> > establish the New World Order.  In fact, he was told in those 
> > terms, New World Order, that he would be "instrumental" in  
> > establishing  it.  He wasn't told that he'd only be a  step 
> > the way, though.  He believed he was to be the big enchilada---
> > thousand-year Reich was to be sat-yuga.  The antisemitism was 
> > real in the same sense that the terrorists we're all afraid of  
> > today are not real. Hitler needed a single enemy to focus the  
> > people's attention on.  There is even some evidence that Jews  
> > supplied him with the notion that they could be that single 
> > It's not conclusive evidence, but certainly the Warburgs were  
> > involved in it, in spite of the fact that Paul Warburg lost two  
> > close relatives in the death camps.  a
> Are there really significant parallels between the Third Reich 
> Mahesh "yogis" spiritual movement though? And are these same 
> being cloned onto splinter satsang groups?

So, just when DO these groups get around to the massing of huge 
armies, and exterminating millions? Just curious if you had a 
ballpark timeframe in mind...

> Rick posted a very interesting link to a video which purported to 
> by an ex-KGB agent which claimed groups like the KGB were 
> the TMO for ideas in undermining nations.
I am sure the KGB checks out many, many groups for new ideas-- their 
whole schtick is manipulation. There's certainly no "not invented 
here" prohibition in their ranks.

If I were them though, I'd look elsewhere than the TMO.

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