--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter 
 Because when my world view crashed, it left but one thing behind. It 
left my Isness. I found that I'm immortal, that I'm always joined with 
God. Nothing can ever sever me unless I give it permission. 

I remember in '81 when I left MIU and returned home and re-entered 
the "real world".  I had to come to grips with some of my desires, 
which pertained to sex, diet, routine, meditation.  I was breaking 
away from the habits and thought patterns I had been abiding.  
Concurrent with the thought, "Okay, I'm breaking the rules", 
was, "This is who I am, If I'm going to get struck down, so be it, but 
THIS IS WHO I AM, AND I ACCEPT IT".  This was my awakening.  Nothing 
has been the same since.  I have heard many others here express this 
same sentiment.  I'm not sure if this is what they call "waking 
down".  I kinda lost my interest in getting involved in any groups.


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