Hi Trinity,

Welcome back to krodha-dama.

We get to hear claims here  from time to time about lineages - along
with various references to yogic insider knowledge. Most of it is
nothing but mere claims, usually based upon a favored explanation given
by some teacher who is rooted in a particular interpretation or
philosophic view about yoga.

Here, in this context, it appears quite funny - so we should all have a
good laugh, pass the bottle of bourbon and salute our foolish

The PatanjalaYogaSutra is clocked around 150-200 CE.  Both the Samkhya
and Yoga darshanas were dealt with by Buddhist scholars, even as late as
Paramatha in China (6th Cent. CE). That is pretty much it because
neither of these darshanas survived the intervening centuries down to
our era of time.

"Did not survive" means no param-para, no sampradaya, no lineage, no
diksha, no transmission of secret techniques, no transmission of hidden
knowledge, and more importantly no person remaining to retain any kind
of lengthy or abridged explanations.

Swami Hariharananda Aranya tried to revive this extinct lineage in the
19th Century, CE by creating a SankhyaYoga Matha but it did not survive

Vedanta survived - in various forms and sampradayas. Vedantic teachers
read Patanjali and created their own interpretations of his intended
meaning, although almost always defering to and starting from Vyasa's

And Trinity you are quite correct. I posted Shankara's short vivarana
about siddhis in Card's thread about YS. III.37(38). He sees siddhis as
distractions but only for a yogin who wants to remain absorbed in the
vision of purusha. Even then there is no problem for one detached in
proper vairagya.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, kaladevi93 no_reply@ wrote:
> >
>> > IIRC the initiated interpretation is in the order the text is meant
> to be read. In that order samyama is described and ALL THE MAGICAL
> The text picks up where they end with the description of mastering
yogic discrimination. People who just read the text as if it were to be
read in a sequence will miss this.
> So it seems to me you don't understand they way it is read for the
initiated. Your quote  refers to a verse and there is no mention of the
siddhis (unless you forgot to post that?). It does not refer to
> > samyama on the siddhis at all. This is why you have missed the

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