Is it trollish that I post this here?  Probably, but I love the smell
of Shemp cookin' on the barbie.

On another level, it's not spamming on my part, cuz I'm completely
able to defend trikking as a spiritual experience.

Now here's a concept:  no one here has yet to get a Trikke, and though
I've waxed as eloquent as possible about the thrills of the
experience, my words have not "gotten to" "whatever needs getting to"
in order for a purchase to have happened.

This to me is the power of words in general -- almost zilch -- people
bring their minds to the words with a wide degree of freedom to
interpret them, and it seems as if a writer is never speaking except
to him/herself.  And even then, days later, the writer too might
change the meaning of the words without changing the words themselves.

Is this not the hard fact of life for all who would "move others?"  I
have never had a clear and evident example of my persuading others --
even in my most successful Merv era, I knew that folks were starting
TM cuz of "something else" and not my intro lecture.  

All this is common knowledge to all here who have tried so mightily to
score a point -- yet all I see is hardening of the hearteries.  No one
posting here is very "changeable" it seems, yet all write as if change
is one of the deepest dynamics of our lives.

What changes us?  I think Judy is correct, the changes are made deeply
inside and only later does the intellect etc. "get into the act" and
pretend to validate a POV.

So, then, ARE we influencing each other in these subtle realms but
none of us can see it clearly?

Anyone want to believe this one?

Maybe the only real value of FFL is that one can bring any POV here
and have it torn to shreds by the most vile set of trolls on the Web
-- and who isn't for such a stripping of absolutes from one's relative?

And it just drives me kookoo to agree with one person one day and hate
their ideas the next.  Right now, I'm, like, standing up on my chair
and applauding whenever Judy rips Pred a new one.  Sigh.  And, now
watch, she'll write that in no way is she ripping anything -- just
clarifying is all.  Hee hee.

Yet, I get up each morning, and I read about a hundred posts here, and
something always gets me typing.  

Must be Mad Tao Disease.


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