--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some people will have carried an awakening from a previous life, so  
> it's impossible to tell those who were previously awakened or if they  
> awakened from their practice in this life without investigating. But  
> usually if you ask closely, the person can tell you events throughout  
> childhood that indicated they carried their awakening from a prior  
> existence.

Let's just put it this way Vaj, most likely many have had glimpses or
partial awakening temporarily in just about any discipline, but actual
conscious transcending thru all 6 chakras and finally to Sahasrara
would make them Christs.

There are very few who have mastered kundalini that far living today,
IMO, and based on the paltry experiences I've heard reported and the
fact that MMY doesn't even talk about kundalini (anymore) leads me to
believe this is an experience that is far off for the average Yoga
practitioner today, (in whatever discipline).

Are there a few precocious individuals here and there? sure, maybe
MMY's nephew.........

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