--Vaj, your'e not being consistent.  I just received my Snow Lion 
magazine today with a cover article on the Green Tara.  Devotion to 
Her is not only a wisdom proposition, but has an objective of 
ofsetting physical calamaties of all types, from arthritis to zits; 
snake bites, poverty, disease,...you name it.
 You seem to be calling the Tibetan Lamas who promote such remedial 
measures fools.  Is that correct?

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 24, 2007, at 11:11 AM, new.morning wrote:
> > An independent view:
> > why is God necessarily a prerequisite, or an intermediary, to
> > Universal Love -- defined as loving everything intensely. 
> > Loving the homeless man you pass -- and doing something with that
> > Love). Can't a pure atheist experience the same intensity of
> > Universal Love as a Devotee? Whats God got to do with it?
> > --paraphrasing Tina Turner.
> >
> > Universal Love is one the esteemed human virtues. If you get there
> > through, or after, finding God, loving God, finding enlightenment 
> > your own view, or by what ever means, That, Universal Love, is the
> > Thing. Not all of the intermediate markers, non-markers, tools,
> > non-tools, side-shows, non-side-shows, deep samahdi, shallow 
> > (or "samadhi what?") etc.
> >
> > No need to posit, or believe, that God, or loving god, is the 
only way
> > to Universal Love. If loving your god brings intense universal 
> > then you have a good god -- or at least a good placebo. If loving 
> > god brings a motivation to smite and hate others, you have a 
bogus god
> > IMO.
> >
> > Is God, and Loving God, perhaps only a placebo getting one to
> > Universal Love. A correlation seen as causality. Same with 
> > yoga, yogis, darshan, etc. Can you, can anyone, clearly 
> > that these are not simply placebos. Like Marek's and T3rinity's
> > symbols, my experience is that "placebos" --that is, any object --
> > rock or tree -- can evoke the same experiences as you describe 
> > your symbols. If you just Love it intensely.
> >
> > God and Its divine symbols, and messengers. All nice. But you can 
> > your own placebos -- if you need one -- faster, easier, if you 
dare to
> > do so.
> Really good point, one that was begging to be said.
> Also, I wonder if we looked at it objectively, is belief in god or  
> gods a good thing overall or a bad thing? From my POV, belief in 
> ethocentric god or gods is the greatest danger to sentient life on  
> this planet. As we possibly near the latest planetary extinction, 
> much danger has the injunction in the Genesis/Bereshith, that man 
> given divine dominion over the earth and to subdue it, caused?

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