No it is not. If you are reduced to claiming that someone "really
meant" something quite different from what he actually wrote, there is
no possibility of any meaningful discusssion. 

--- In, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Dec 13, 2007, at 1:35 PM, feste37 wrote:
> >> The argument isn't over TM
> >> and blood pressure, it's (1) how the TMO sees science as just a tool
> >> to be manipulated to sell its products and (2) how TBs point to blood
> >> pressure study to "prove TM works" really meaning "everything MMY  
> >> says
> >> about anything must be true".
> >
> > I never said anything remotely resembling this. You invented it
> > yourself. It's your fantasy.
> But isn't that really what you meant, feste?  Most here would agree  
> (and have many times in the past) that TM has positive effects on BP-- 
> it's one of the main reason many of us started.  It's the other  
> ludicrous claims that most rational meditators can't bring themselves  
> to take seriously.
> Sal

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