On Dec 30, 2007, at 2:29 PM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

>Vaj wrote:
> Since subtlety of meditation and the length or depth of meditation
> measurable, presumably we can have some physical measurement.

Yes, and on that basis we do come back to:

The future for the 21st century is research published in respected
peer-reviewed scientific journals. Period.
Get used to it.


Jon Hagelin in the FF Ledger:
"Extensive published research shows that coherence and positivity is
created in collective consciousness when a small number of people
practice the Transcendental Meditation and more advanced Yogic
Flying techniques together in a group-"

"The Invincible America Assembly is raising the quality of
consciousness and behavior throughout society to be more
more life supporting. And Nature is responding more positively."

End of story

Fine and dandy if you actually accept what they're presenting. Most scientists are unimpressed.

After all, most of it is not "science" at all!

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