--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > > They got shakti that is alive in a 
> > > way 
> > > that by contrast the TMmovement group meditations are only a 
> > > forlorn 
> > > disheartened hope over what could have been with their movement. 
> > > -Doug in FF
> > 
> > So why on earth don't you join them instead of living like a 
> > spiritual vampire sucking energy from the TM meditators in 
> > Fairfield ?
> Since you've been so gracious as to provide
> us your assessment of the people who live in
> Fairfield without having anything to do with
> what the TM movement has begun, you've kinda
> opened the field to questions about what YOU
> have done for the TM movement.
> So here are a few simple questions about YOUR
> experience in the TM movement since you started:
> Here are my answers:
> 1. How many people have you initiated (*personally*
> taught to practice the TM technique)?
> Over 1000.
> 2. How many introductory lectures have you given?
> Thousands.
> 3. Assuming the answer to #2 is greater than zero,
> how many of those lectures did you pay for yourself
> (rental of lecture halls, cost of posters, cost of
> advertising if any, cost for security if required, 
> etc.)?
> All, for the first year and a half, although it wasn't out of my 
> pocket, but out of the operating expenses of the center I was 
> running single-handedly.
> 4. Approximately how many posters have you put up
> yourself?
> Thousands.
> 5. How many times have you dipped into your personal
> savings to pay the rent on a TM center to keep it
> open and functioning?
> Never.
> 6. How many times have you not *had* any savings to
> dip into, and lived on rice and dal (dal if you were
> lucky) because keeping the TM center open and being
> able to teach TM were more important than eating?
> It never got that bad. I was always a pretty successful teacher.
> 7. How many advanced lectures have you given?
> Even more than I have given intros, and I gave thousands of those.
> 8. How many residence courses have you taught?
> Hundreds. I was a regional lecturer for a year and gave a RC every 
> weekend, plus many sidhis prep courses. Also a couple of years of 
> International Staff, years of Purusha, MUM faculty, etc, etc.

Your answers, Rick, I believe. 

Nabby's...uh...not so much. 

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