--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The fact is, as long as the two are of consenting age--I assume 18 
> Iowa--and the sex is consensual and in no way forced, Dr. 
> actions are totally within the law. Now I'm not an attorney, but I  
> suspect someone taking his private and perfectly legal life on the 
> could be construed as defamation of character or some such thing.
> And they'd have a pretty good case on you kiddo.
> My girlfriends roomate in college practically lived full time with 
> of the ceramics profs and that was in the 70's. They seemed to be 
> love, and they seemed a charming couple so it felt cool to us. As 
> as it's above the boards--and I don't believe he hides his behavior-
> if they're both into it (the guy is now a movie star, I mean come 
> how many movie star-physicists are there?) I say it's none of our 
> business.

There's always the question of a person in an institution who is in a 
position of authority and whether they are taking advantage of an 
underling, be it a student or an employee or a potential employee or 

Was Hagelin in a position of authority at the time?  Well, even if he 
wasn't, he was by virtue of being John Hagelin and this being the TMO.

Was she a student?  Someone posted here that she wasn't...but was she 
in the TMO?  An employee...potential employee or student?

Sorry, these things come into play.

But most importantly: is the female paramour complaining?  Is she 
saying that she was taken advantage in any way?

> On Jan 22, 2008, at 9:15 PM, nadarrombus wrote:
> > she doesn't know, but it is not private if i know, hell i wasn't 
> > the room or the vedic observatory where it occurred so i may be 
> > anyway, me and all the people who have heard of it. i am public, 
> > you want to keep a secret do not tell many people. your implying 
> > honor or individual right regarding information as if you 
represent a
> > superior position. is her sex life illegal for me to discuss. is 
> > of a high order of authority that i should succumb to.... google 
> > base is used by neocons to decide if you will be in an internment 
> > during the rapture so ya better be scared ladys...--- In

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