> FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: hagelin had sex with a student of mum 
>that i
> know
> Yeah, evidently is more to know about this. I asked around of kids 
> of her age and found one who knew her and went to school with her. 
> There is a story there.
> So is it a story she wants told or kept private?

Ask her & around.  Evidently was close to guys on the Purusha program 
too.  Some of them might help with the know.  

Are people on the movement's Mother Divine program campus students or 
just paying volunteers?  They seem to be included in the numbers 
of "students" as those numbers get touted.  

Shemp's law generally makes for a legitimate public welfare interest 
in this:

"always the question of a person in an institution who is in a
position of authority and whether they are taking advantage of an
underling, be it a student or an employee or a potential employee or
student. (spouse of any or trustee or director or co-worker)

Was Hagelin in a position of authority at the time? Well, even if he
wasn't, he was by virtue of being John Hagelin and this being the TMO.

Was she a student? Someone posted here that she wasn't...but was she
in the TMO? An employee...potential employee or student?

Sorry, these things come into play."

-Yes, proly is law as well as regulation about this.
OR are the ethics standards at MUM just in the same category as their 
accounting standard.  Their own generally accepted practices and 
standards etc.  They have no ethic standard in practice, or am I 
missing something on their web-page?  MUM receives US Federal funding 
of any kind?

Truth will proly prevail in this & i pray for all their good health 
and well-being with it.

-Doug in FF

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