Well, as I’ve been reading the various replies to the sex post on a couple 
different Forums, I'm thinking, you know what, this whole thing goes a lot 
deeper than we dare to even imagine.   I'm talking about very severe 
psychological mutilation, fearfully hidden, and if you start exposing it it 
feels like an attack.
  Of course, to expose a fearfully hidden mutilation is not an attack but a 
step towards healing.  But to allow that mutilation to remain hidden because 
its exposure is feared, is to allow both the fear and the mutilation both to 
remain.  The ego’s pretense of benign normality is a desperate attempt to 
conceal the intolerable madness that knows it’s very existence is an absolute 
fraud.  Only the monstrous masculinity of viciously aggressive deceit could 
sustain such a fragile charade, hence making the fragility of feminine 
tenderness a mortal threat.  And so masculinity has been caricatured into a 
horrific travesty of cruelty and torture, and femininity bludgeoned lifeless to 
neutralize the dreadful peril it’s feared to be.    
  Disabled Creativity disables spiritual progress and disabled sexuality 
disables Creativity, and disabled, maimed, distorted, repressed, denied, 
perverted, feared, abused, misused, misunderstood, misperceived, blocked, 
misconstrued, slandered, concealed, lied about, dysfunctional, imbalanced, 
frustrated, impotent, frigid, maligned, hated, twisted, condemned sexuality is 
the most widespread and deeply entrenched pathological disorder that afflicts 
the human race.   Wilhelm Reich called it the emotional plague, and he was 
absolutely right.   It’s the ego’s most successful castration of spiritual 
growth because the ego’s got so many people supporting that castration in the 
name of spiritual well-being.
  To better understand the necessity of balancing masculinity and femininity 
within each individual, notice the obvious results if one or the other is 
  The womanly woman is passive, receptive, accepting, nurturing, but not of 
anything that she herself intends, so her nurturing acceptance must always be 
at the service of others, making her a doormat at best and a slave at worst, or 
worst yet an entirely dysfunctional basket case of no benefit either to herself 
or to anyone else. 
  The manly man is bristling with assertive intention and forceful initiative.  
But all his intentions and initiatives that would be of a Creative nature, 
instead of being accepted and nurtured by him to their full fruition, maturity 
and completeness, they are callously, impatiently and insensitively abandoned 
by him and nothing becomes of them.  Furious that his grandiose and egotistical 
assertiveness falls impotent, yet with an intense denial, repression and 
aversion of the innate femininity that would render him Creative, he turns his 
assertiveness to aggressive destructiveness where it produces the vivid and 
grandiose results that his egotism craves, and so he further infects the planet 
with another manly man waging destructive war in boardrooms, in politics, in 
military combat, in domestic violence and so on. 
  The male ego is in such a profound state of pathological deformity that it 
would rather see the world destroyed than to discover the inner femininity that 
would restore it’s wholeness.  Fortunately, those of us who are willing to 
balance ourselves back into our natural Androgyny will embrace these terrified 
fellows with the patience, forgiveness and compassion that will heal them of 
the traumatic mutilation they’ve suffered in the face of society’s monstrous 
gender schizophrenia.  
  Alright, I didn't mean to rant and rave. But actually, this stuff does far 
more damage left deeply hidden and denied.  Unpleasant to expose, but much 
worse to hide.

Much Love,


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