Look, I don't mind you guys having a good laugh at my stupidity,
boorishness, arrogance, or god knows what other flaws that somehow are
all coming into lurid evidence in this particular forum for some reason.
But I've been posting things on internet forums for over 15 years now
and I guess all these other forums have been humoring me into the
self-flattering illusion that they actually enjoy the stuff I post.

I don't know.  I'm guessing that I'm really not as offensive or annoying
as you're pretenting I am.  I mean I'm not hateful or mean or vicious or
critical or insulting or covert.

I work up these little essays, it's a hobby of sorts, I've been doing it
for many years.  Sometimes they bomb, but often people enjoy them.  On
occasion they start discussions, but not always.  I don't know, it can't
be all that awful because folks rarely complain.   I sometimes get
nuked, but most often it seems to be a pleasant experience all around.

Right now in fact I have another short essay I finished and already
started to post in places.  But I'm hesistant to post it here because it
seems you're going to roll your eyes even before reading it.

Maybe you're all unusually advanced in comparison to most, where most
others find new ideas in my stuff where perhaps it would be virtually
impossible for me to come up with anything you've long thought about and
are already long sick of.

I'm obviously babbling and have no point to make or argument to sell. 
But I always figure when relations are awkward any expression is better
than stone silence.  I'm stopping simply because I don't know where else
to go with this or what else to say.  I'm not upset or hurt or junk like
that.  I'm just flailing wildly on the notion maybe I'll discover
something that will enable a more fortunate presence.

And I've signed everything Much Love for 15 years.  Too gooey?


-- Ben

That better?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Jan 23, 2008, at 4:12 PM, feste37 wrote:
> > Ben's style is to admit to his errors and then make the same ones
> > over again in his next post.
> Maybe next time around we'll get the Cliff's Notes version. When I
> read posts like that, I really start to feel like I must have ADD.
> Sal

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