--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity" 
>  And in the end we all die.


Exactly, which is why the thing to do is to gain the only real 
immortality, which is bliss consciousness:

`You take a dive through Transcendental Meditation, 
and you are on the level of immortality.' 
Global Press Conference
18 April 2007 
MERU, Holland

from the Srimad Bhagavatam:

[the enlightened man] rests in his own true being. He does not 
identify the self with the body, which continues to live as prompted 
by the destiny that created it. (Book 3, Ch.28)

Though the inner controller or the spirit dwells in the body, it is 
not tainted by the latter's experiences (pleasure and pain). It is 
devoid of doership and is beyond the reach of the three qualities of 
nature (prakriti). It is but a totally free witness of nature. Yet, 
on account of the spell cast by the play of these qualities of 
nature, the self imagines that he is the doer of actions, he loses 
his peace of mind on account of this delusion, and in that self-
imposed state of ignorance undergoes birth and death. The objects do 
not exist as such, except in the imagination of the subject; yet so 
long as one thinks of these objects and is attached to them, he 
cannot escape the wheel of birth and death, just as even non-existent 
events cause unhappiness to the dreamer." (Book 3, ch 27)

I do not witness 24 hours a day (which is the definition of Cosmic 
Consciousness), but any amount of witnessing gives great relief from 
the fear of mortality, since you are living your true status as an 
eternal silent witness of creation, and are thus less disturbed by 
the good and bad events of life.


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