--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "The Secret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> >
> > The Uniqueness Lie: Exposing the Lies of TM research, one at a 
> > 
> > The uniqueness lie and the hypometabolic lie.
> > 
> > Question: Does TM, as is still touted in TM tracts, produce a  
> > "hypometabolic" state, i.e a 16% drop in oxygen consumption?
> > 
> > Answer: No.
> > 
> > 3 groups of 9 TM meditators were studied to see if the claim of 
> > decrease in oxygen consumption could be replicated. The sample  
> > included both males and females and novice as well as long-term 
> > 
> > Researchers found TM did not produce Wallace's claims of -16% O2  
> > consumption. Researchers Pagano and Warrenburg instead found the  
> > following:
> > 
> > "As one reviews the data...the outstanding features are the 
> > of and relatively small changes in VO2 which occurred during 
> > of TM...The 4% decrease in VO2 found during treatment for the TM 
> > is considerably less than Wallace's reported 16% decrease and 
> > into question his claim that the state produced by TM is  
> > "hypometabolic".
> > 
> > Meditation: In Search of a Unique Effect. Robert R. Pagano and 
> > Warrenburg.
> >
> But the idiom of today is science. So since we can't tie them up and
> flog them like the missionaries did until they embraced TM,  woo 
> with badly controlled studies which demonstrate, not double blind
> random control group studies which prove.  They'll never know the
> difference.  And it's cheaper and we get more amazing results.>>

And yet no science published in respected peer-reviewed scientific 
journals to prove your pathetic medieval rantings.

How sad for you. 
The pain you feel at this will pass though, and you will one day feel 
like the old father at the end of the movie Billy Elliot when he 
first visits London to see his son dance in the Opera...watch it and 
you will understand who you are.


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