--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > ---Thx for posting this - most interesting! (especially in view of > the behavior of such Sant Mat Gurus as Thakar Singh. He blames his > deviant behavior on the Kal Power): [from a David C. Lane website]: > > The Way of a Sexually Deviant Guru: Legitimizing Contradiction > > Perhaps the one greatest obstacle confronting Thakar Singh's claim as > the true successor to Kirpal Singh was Thakar himself. Unlike other > gurus in his tradition, Thakar Singh's moral life has been thoroughly > scrutinized and found wanting. Indeed, it has been well documented by > a variety of sources--both within and outside the movement--that > Thakar Singh has embezzled money, engaged in illicit sexual relations > with a number of western female disciples, and conducted violent > exorcisms on several devotees. In an unprecedented move to clear the > matter up, Thakar admitted to some of the charges claiming > that "These devils had been working very strongly on my lower self > including body and mind and also had been creating great disturbances > in the Sangat in all parts of the world. The women problem is also a > result of temptation of these devils on my pure Self and in this > respect could succeed to some extend [sic: extent]." But it did not > squelch the criticism which eventually resulted in a large exodus > from his movement, including the resignation of his chief > representative, Bernadine Chard, of northern California. > > In wake of the scandal and the lawsuits between Darshan Singh's group > and Madam Hardevi's, Thakar Singh lost the property rights to Sawan > Ashram and had to give up his residence there. He is continuing to > act as a guru, but his original core following has dwindled > drastically. W.V. Rohr, a former devotee in Germany, sent out an > international circular against Thakar Singh. His letter partially > outlines the impact of the scandal: > > That man [Thakar Singh], to whom I looked up during the past 7 years > as spiritual Master and "Guru", has admitted that he is not above > mind and matter, above "negativity" and mental temptations. I cannot > keep quiet the truth, as others seem they can. . . New facts > concerning unholy activities on the level of sexual contacts as well > as disappearances of Manav Kendra funds and donations by satsangis > have come in the meantime. My personal consequence is: 1. I withdraw > totally from any and all Satsang and Sangat activities whatsoever; 2. > will not visit satsangs, where his words are displayed; 3. do not > look upon him as "spiritual Master" or "Sant Sat Guru" in the line of > Sant Kirpal Singh; 4. have requested [of] him [Thakar Singh] full > report and refund of funds cashed in under use of "catastrophe"; 5. > will continue sincerely with Light and Sound meditation and also > Simran, as he is a Kirpal initiate and help and guidance is prayed > for from Kirpal--until a truly spiritually and morally clean Master > has been found, who is truly working in Kirpals [sic] name and with > His order. > > Although the first expose of Thakar Singh occurred publically in > 1984, it was not until 1988 that the media in the United States got > wind of Thakar's sordid past. During this time several women who > claimed to have been abused by the guru came out with personal > statements, describing in vivid detail Thakar's predilection for > sexual deviance. In light of Sant mat succession, what makes Thakar's > fall from grace significant is that he did not resign, nor did the > majority of his disciples quit the movement. In fact, a number of > devotees justified Thakar Singh's unusual actions. It is this process > of justification which we will want to examine in depth; however, > before we do that we need to closely examine the ways by which Thakar > Singh strayed from orthodox Sant mat principles
Indeed, I do believe their entire line of Gurus are merely well-intentioned frauds believing, none-the-less they are doing the work of the Lord. The real problem is when they claim they OWN the teachings which are universally applicable to all. I have a friend who is a member of SOS or Science of Spirituality (Rajinder Singh) and he's always talking about the "Master Power" and Master this and Master that, the charged words by the Master, etc. I go to their Satsangs occasionally (since there are no TM centers left to speak of) and they worship *HIM* as God. Hey, my position is what Christ said" "Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am also", so what difference does the Master make whether he is 'there' (in Spirit) or not!!, they have some funny beliefs.