> > > Look, I'm no big fan of McCain, but Obama?????
> > (snip)
> > With all of this talk of the evolution of meditation, and 
> > and consonance;
> > Don't you hear something in his voice that is harmonizing?
> > Don't you get the feeling that he knows we have to come together 
> > order to get it right.
> > Do you have any sense of what is going on in this sick world?
> > Do you have any sense of real and false, Truth and Lies?
> >
> > Who would you like to see as President.
> > Did you vote for Bush twice?
> >
> > Obama is a gift for this country.
> > Anyone who doesn't see and feel that is just spiritually dead, as 
> > as I'm concerned.
> Let him apply some of that alleged spirituality to quitting smoking.
So, smoking is your problem with him-
I see...
Well, you know, FDR smoked cigarettes; so did JFK.
Bush doesn't smoke, Condi don't smoke, Cheney don't smoke.
What the hell does smoking have to do with anything?
Besides he's quitting.
Many of the GI's looked forward to having a cig, during WWII in their 
battle against the pure evil of German Nazism.
Hitler was a vegatarian.
If that is the only thing you have against the guy,
That is really a weak argument.
I think your just a common  American racist.

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