--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > 2nd, you didn't address my question about getting animals to 
> > meditate by checking them a lot. If you're going to check them, 
> > they first have to have a mantra, so I guess you'd have to 
> > initiate them. I never got instructions from MMY on how to 
> > initiate animals. Please explain to us how you would do
> > it, Nabby, without giving out any private instructions, of 
> > course. 
> > By animals, do you just mean cats and dogs, or would you include 
> > horses, goats, iguanas, etc? In other words, which species are 
> > eligible for initiation and checking? 
> Choose those that are closest to your soul, those with which 
> you have a clear eye-contact. It could be any animal, a fox, 
> dog or horse but the love-factor, the connection to you as a 
> human must be strong. 
> Animals with less love-factor are also open for Intitiaton, 
> in fact many of those long for freedom stronger than many 
> humans, but the work taking them into a human incarnation 
> would be much more ardious, perhaps impossible, for the 
> time being.
> Any species are eligible, but for us in the West it will 
> usually be easier to work with dogs. Their relationship with 
> us for so many thousands of years is an important factor. In 
> general, but not always, smaller species are easier to work 
> with and will give quicker results. Working with Poodles is 
> recommended, as are German Shepards.
> You would have to do Puja every single day morning and evening 
> for months on end to see results. In addition, an unending love 
> for that particular brother.

Ah, at last we know how Britain was able to 
escape its "Scorpion Nation" karma.

Nabby and his friends initiated and checked
all the scorpions in the UK, first establishing
eye contact and then doing puja every single
morning and evening for months until the scorpions
meditated away their stresses and renounced their 
evil ways.

Just one question, though, Nabby. All those cows 
that they find out in the American Southwest with 
their assholes cut out. What's up with that?

Do the Space Brothers have a different set of 
initiation instructions than you do, or are they
Off The Program> Cutting the cows' assholes out 
seems a tad extreme to me if what you want to do is 
initiate them and get them meditating. According
to you, all you have to do is establish eye contact 
with them and then...uh...get a good "love factor" 
going on with them. (Could the bit about cutting 
their assholes out indicate too much zeal on the 
"love factor" front among the Space Brothers? Are 
they trying to cover their...uh...tracks in this 

Please clear this mystery up for us, Nabby, as you
have cleared up the mystery of how to initiate
animals. This cows-without-assholes thing has been
sullying the name of the Space Brothers for some
time now, and if you could explain it to us, we
could get past this silly moo-making and focus on
welcoming the Space Brothers to rule the planet 
the way you want us to. 

Think of your answer as a step to world peace and
a better world for you as well as us. After all, 
once the Space Brothers are in charge, there will
be fewer sinners on FFL and you'll have much more 
time to develop the "love factor" with the German 
Shepherd of your choice.

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