--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > There are days when logging on to read FFL
> > feels like reading the deleted chapters from
> > "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest."
> > 
> > I mean, you've got Nabby claiming that he 
> > teaches animals to meditate (probably while
> > hovering over them while flying), you've got
> > Bevan claiming not only that the ME does some-
> > thing -- anything -- but that its real effect
> > is to destroy non-organic crops, you've got
> > Bob saying that the destruction of the Georgian
> > population is "no big deal."
> Uh, no, Bob didn't say that. By "no big deal," he
> meant that it won't become a "major international
> issue," although it would, of course, be a disaster
> for the victims of the war.
>  You've got Nabby
> > saying "The Movement is always right" and those
> > who claim that their purpose is to expose lies
> > on this forum saying absolutely *nothing* in
> > response to that claim.
> I'm supposed to respond to my own claim?? How
> does that work, exactly?
>  You've got people trying
> > to demonize Rick because someone *else* hasn't
> > published the book they're not going to believe
> > a word of anyway.
> Uh, no, nobody demonized Rick. The person being
> "demonized" is the one who told Rick she was
> going to write the book.
>  You've even got "dueling post
> > count programs," fighting it out for supremacy
> > and shouting, "You're a LIAR -- MY count is
> > correct and yours is WRONG" at each other.
> Actually, the person running one of the programs
> has said the other program is to be taken as
> correct until he fixes his so they both have the
> same counts.
> > This place is a ZOO.
> Of the seven claims Barry just made "proving"
> that this place is a ZOO, he hallucinated four
> of them...

...not to mention the fact that Barry is the only one who claims to 
have actually witnessed levitation floating...something he claims to 
have seen on numerous occasions.

He himself is a delusional cult-member.

> > All that anyone would ever have to do to counter
> > the claims that TM produces an increased ability
> > to think rationally is to suggest that people 
> > read FFL and point out to the readers which of 
> > the posters are regular TM practitioners.
> ...and of the three he got right, one was not
> made by a member of FFL, and the other two were
> made by the *same* TM practitioner.
> Leaving Barry with only *one* FFL TM practitioner
> on whom to base his claim that TM doesn't produce
> an increased ability to think rationally--which,
> it would appear, is balanced out by Barry's own
> propensity to hallucinate and blame his
> hallucinations on others.
> Oh, yes, and:
> "My plan is to lay low, and say nothing either
> to [Judy] or about her. I may or may not succeed
> at this..."
> --Barry Wright, 7/23/08

And I wish that I would have earmarked the post in which he said that 
he never reads MY posts, which he obviously does with earnest 
regularity because the reference above to asking Rick about the book 
was an obvious reference to my post on the subject.

Please keep reproducing the above Barry Wright quote, Judy, each time 
you have to respond to him.  It's precious.

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