> > You're not even making any sense - Obama
> > and most of the Dems agree that Russia
> > should withdraw their troops.
> > 
Bhairitu wrote:  
> And what has that to do with the NeoCon 
> dogs barking the people into America sheeple 
> into WW IV? 
You sound really scared - better check under
your bed for Russians. 

> Are you saying that Obama is a NeoCon, Peaches?
According to what I've read, Obama is in favor
of bombing Pakistan. He said the Russians should
withdraw from Georgia or suffer the consequences.
> > "In their latest emanation Team Obama has 
> > figured out which side we are on and 
> > rivals the bellicosity of McCain and Rice 
> > in backing Georgia and calling on Russia 
> > to withdraw its troops."
> >
> > Read more:
> >
> > 'The 4 AM Moment'
> > Posted by Tom Maguire
> > http://tinyurl.com/6kfhln
> > 

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